AI-powered Sourcing Platform

Using Alpas' advanced search, it gets simple to identify relevant suppliers across the world,
without local sourcing, mortal google searches and extensive data crunching in Excel

Global Product and Supplier Search

Find, assess, compare and select suppliers for mechanical, electrical and chemical parts as well as engineering services worldwide

Core Features

AI-powered Supplier Search

Our global product and supplier search allows you to search for suppliers of mechanical, electrical and chemical parts as well as engineering services. As opposed to standard search functions, we offer a highly targeted search for procurement departments to find your trusted and new suppliers faster. We finally make the extensive world of suppliers accessible.

  • Find your suppliers 10x faster

    Improve your speed from purchase requisition to supplier quote by reducing the number of interactions with potential suppliers.

  • Highly targeted search

    Identify suppliers for the most complex mechanical, electrical and chemical parts or engineering services, and be prepared to identify alternative materials or manufacturing processes.

  • Accurate supplier profiles within a mouse click

    Dive into detailed supplier profiles that provide previously unknown data for both existing and new suppliers.

Automated RFP

By assessing your product requirements in detail, we provide results with a 100% product-supplier fit. Our modular process automation system allows you to perform the tasks of searching, comparing and selecting suppliers more efficiently, all while maintaining control over the process.

  • In-depth supplier analytics and benchmarking

    Assess your supplier selection in detail. We use more than 25 data sources for each supplier profile.

  • Automated quote comparison

    Let us manage the manual and time-consuming tendering process, facilitating a touchless tendering experience for you.

  • Save up to 60% manual time

    Optimize your team's efficiency by minimizing manual tasks such as googling, Excel spreadsheets and manual quote comparisons, ultimately saving valuable time and enhancing your team's satisfaction.

360° supplier view

Our 360° supplier view enables you to make informed decisions faster as you have all the information you need at hand. Anticipate potential supplier risks during market research by accessing your single source ot truth providing insights on financial, legality, litigation, and ESG factors.

  • Share supply chain knowledge

    Share your supplier insights with your team members or across locations and gain additional insights.

  • Negotiate based on up-to-date data

    Be the best informed in the room and improve your negotiation position based on internal and external data.

  • Use Alpas for your strategic sourcing decisions

    Easily combine single, dual or multi-sourcing strategies based on your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Is it possible to find suppliers not only for standard but also for special parts?

  • Can you limit the search to a certain region?

  • Can I drive a subsequent tendering process with Alpas?

  • Does Alpas require an Integration?

  • How easily can I access Alpas?

  • Which browsers are supported by Alpas?

  • Which data sources does Alpas use?

  • Can I add additional data to Alpas?

  • How secure is my data with Alpas?

Alpas Team

  • Isabel
  • Nils
30min. Video Call

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