Metallic Rolling & Drawing Products Annual Revenue 2020: $2.49 Mill.
Smart Sourcing in Procurement where AI makes a Difference
Alpas empowers manufacturing companies that buy mechanical, electrical and chemical parts as well as engineering services
Find your suppliers 10x faster
Our AI-driven supplier search enables our customers to scout and benchmark suppliers globally. Based on their needs, we can take as many technical and commercial search parameters into account as required.
Save up to 57% on procurement spend
Alpas simplifies and accelerates the procurement process by identifying previously unknown and more cost-effective suppliers. Thus, strengthen your negotiation position and reduce procurement spend with Alpas.
Experience the power of a 360° supplier view
Alpas revolutionizes transparency in procurement with its 360° supplier view. This data-driven approach provides instant insights into supplier performance, compliance, and risks. The result is a more efficient, resilient, and trustworthy supply chain.
"Do you already use Alpas or are you still scouting? Alpas has completely overhauled our supplier scouting: instead of "Google" and time-consuming searches, the AI of Alpas does the job - quickly, reliably and, above all, with unprecedented quality. In addition to the commodity strategies, the local-for-local activities (supply chain de-risk) benefit in particular."
Sven-Uwe Erber, Chief Procurement Officer, Brose Group
"Thanks to Alpas AI, we can find new suppliers more quickly and save valuable time. The platform has opened up unknown suppliers for us, minimizing our risks and improving security of supply. Alpas AI provides us with insights into the market that accurately complement our strategic decisions. Companies looking for efficiency and transparency in procurement, Alpas AI is an excellent choice."
Jürgen Schuster, Capability Owner Category Management, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
"Alpas E-Sourcing has identified new, competent suppliers for a wide range of product types without using internal resources. Depending on the sourcing event, we save several days of market research by the buyer."
Strategic Buyer, Production Passenger Transport, Swiss Federal Railways AG
"L+G have used the Alpas supplier search solution in various geographies with always the same result: the Alpas tool yields significantly more potential suppliers, and in much less time than any of our internal searches."
Global Strategic Sourcing Manager, Landis+Gyr Group AG
Alpas Team
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We are the right partner in every situation
Geopolitical tensions
As you prepare for political frictions, we help you to reduce the risk on your supply chains
Global Supply Chain Crisis
When some bottlenecks ease, others are just starting, we close your sourcing gaps in the post-pandemic economy
Supply Chain Management
When you are busy managing current supply chain shortages, we gather and monitor relevant supplier data for you
Alpas in the news
Brose Supplier Award, 05.11.2024
Excellence in innovation and collaboration are the hallmarks of a successful partnership. That's why we present our Supplier Awards to recognize the outstanding achievements of our suppliers in the categories of sustainability, quality and innovation.
Algorithmen und KI: Intelligentes Sourcing für eine transparente Lieferkette, 21.07.2021
Einkäufer*innen von Industrieunternehmen stehen unter Druck, seit unvorhersehbare Ereignisse wie die Pandemie oder der Krieg in der Ukraine zu massiven Lieferengpässen führten. ...
Die besten Ideen des Weconomy-Wettbewerbs, Handelsblatt, 15.09.2021
Das sind die besten Ideen des Weconomy-Wettbewerbs.
Fünf Minuten haben Start-ups beim Weconomy-Wettbewerb Zeit, um die Jury zu überzeugen. Diese Ideen stachen dieses Jahr hervor.
Google ade – Suche für Fortgeschrittene, Beschaffung Aktuell, 04.11.2021
Die Suche, Bewertung und Auswahl von Lieferanten sind Knackpunkte in Einkaufsabteilungen. Das Start-up Alpas bietet eine Daten- und Softwarelösung für ein modernes Sourcing an, die EinkäuferInnen ...
Alpas AI ist ein Unternehmen, das Software für den Einkauf entwickelt, die das Auffinden, Vergleichen und Verwalten von bestehenden und bisher unbekannten Lieferanten möglich macht ...
Isabel Poppek ist fasziniert von Lieferketten als Rückgrat der Wirtschaft. Damit Unternehmen das volle Logistik-Potenzial ausschöpfen können, gründeten Poppek und Nils Vollmer 2021 Alpas AI. Das hilft bei der Verwaltung der Lieferanten.
Diese Start-ups kitten Lücken in der Lieferkette, Handelsblatt, 06.06.2024
Seit der Pandemie und dem Krieg in der Ukraine sind Probleme in der Lieferkette ein Dauerthema für die Industrie. Junge Unternehmen wollen mit KI Abhilfe schaffen.